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Welcome to the DCTC Library's Early Childhood & Youth Development subject guide. On this page you will find general information about the Library and the research and writing process, plus helpful career and exam preparation resources.

The 2nd page has information about the resources in our library and how to find them using our catalog.

The 3rd and 4th pages are gateways to the Library's best online resources and web sites for the Early Childhood & Youth Development program (divided into child development and early childhood education), including some tutorials for these resources.

Let's get started!

Evaluating information

Writing help

LearningExpress Library

LearningExpress Library

LearningExpress Library is an outstanding resource for academic and career development with hundreds of online tutorials, practice tests, and ebooks.

The Career Preparation center includes practice for the Praxis II Early Childhood PLT exam and two practice tests for the Praxis II Early Childhood: Content Knowledge exam. You'll also find ebooks to help you with your job search, interviewing, networking, and workplace skills.

Citing sources

Avoiding plagiarism

In the Library


Use our catalog, OneSearch, to find the books and videos on our shelves, plus ebooks and streaming videos.



The best way to begin your search is to enter one or two keywords on your topic. To narrow your results, use the Modify My Results options on the left side of the screen. You can also click on a relevant title and click on one of its subject headings to focus your search on that particular topic.

Please ask a librarian if you need help locating anything you find in our catalog.

If we don't have the book, video, or article you're looking for, you can request it via interlibrary loan (ILL) and it will come to you. It's easy! E-mail to let us know what you're looking for and we'll do the rest.


We have hundreds of books about early childhood and child development in our collection. Most of these are in the Main LB1139 - LB1140 call number range, if you'd like to browse our shelves.



We're also very proud of our Juvenile collection of nearly one thousand children's books, perfect for storytime.



Course resources

Behind the circulation desk we have our Course Resources collection. These are books and videos that instructors have asked us to reserve for certain classes. Books for Early Childhood & Youth Development courses include Understanding Child Development, Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning, Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early Education, and Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8. Books on reserve must be used in the Library, except with permission from your instructor to check them out overnight. Ask a librarian if you're looking for one of these.


Activity books

Here are some of our books about activities for children:


Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler ActivitiesThe Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities: For Children Birth to 3
Donna Wittmer, 2006
Main Books LB1139.35 .A37 E53 2006


GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities for Children 3 to 6The GIANT Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities for Children 3 to 6: Written by Teachers for Teachers
Kathy Charner, 2006
Main Books LB1139.35 .A37 G533 2006


Creative Activities for Young Children, 8th ed.
Mary Mayesky, 2006
Main Books LB1139.35 .A37 M365 2006


Making It BetterMaking It Better: Activities for Children Living in a Stressful World
Barbara Oehlberg, 2014
Main Books LB1139.35 .A37 O44 2014


More activity books

Here are more of our books about activities for children:


101 Learning and Transition Activities101 Learning and Transition Activities
Bradley Smith, 2006
Main Books LB1139.35 .A37 S65 2006


Loose Parts 2Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers
Lisa Daly, 2016
Main Books LB1139.35 .P55 B45 2016


Let's PlayLet's Play: (Un)Curriculum Early Learning Adventures
Jeff A. Johnson, 2014
Main Books LB1139.35 .P55 J66 2014


Possibilities of PlayThe Possibilities of Play: Imaginative Learning Centers for Children Ages 3-6
Jean R. Feldman, 2021
Main Books LB3044.8 .F456 2021


Online Resources - Child Development

APA PsycArticles

APA PsycArticles

APA PsycArticles features full-text articles from more than 100 peer-reviewed psychology journals, which cover topics such as communication, relationships, and more.

Searching APA Databases tutorial

Gale OneFile: Psychology

Gale OneFile: Psychology

Gale OneFile: Psychology offers 4.1 million articles in all fields of psychology, covering topics such as communication, relationships, and more.

Video tutorials for Gale OneFile: Psychology

Films On Demand

Films On Demand

Films On Demand features more than 350 streaming videos on child and adolescent development.


There are millions of full-text articles in our EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest databases. The best way to begin your search is to enter one or two keywords on your topic. Each database is different, but there will be ways to limit and focus your results so that you find the most relevant and useful articles available.


EBSCO Our EBSCO databases are an excellent place to start your search for magazine and journal articles. These databases include ERIC and Professional Development Collection, which cover early childhood education and APA PsycArticles, which covers developmental psychology.
Gale Our Gale databases are another great place to find magazine and journal articles. These databases include Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete, which covers preschool education and Gale OneFile: Psychology, which covers developmental psychology.
ProQuestSearch hundreds of U.S. newspapers, newswires, and news sites with ProQuest U.S. Newsstream.
Google Scholar Search and explore scholarly literature with Google Scholar. Some citations include links to full-text content.


Please visit the Library or e-mail if you have any questions about our online resources or if you'd like help finding articles on your topic.​

Selected ebooks

Online Resources - Early Childhood Education

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete offers articles from more than 1,100 periodicals covering levels of education from preschool to college and topics such as technology, bilingual education, health education, testing, administration, funding, and policy.

Video tutorials for Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete



ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, includes more than 1.6 million records and 750,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966.

ERIC Database - Frequently Asked Questions

Professional Development Collection

Professional Development Collection

Professional Development Collection offers full-text articles and reports for educators and education researchers.

Films On Demand

Films On Demand

Films On Demand features nearly 300 streaming videos on early childhood education.

NAEYC titles

The following ebooks from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are available in our EBSCO eBook Collection. Unlike our other ebooks, these titles are limited to one user at a time. If you can't view one of these ebooks, please e-mail to let us know and try again later.


Advancing Equity and Embracing Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Elevating Voices and Actions
Iliana Alan​is, Susan Friedman, and Iheoma U. Iruka, 2021

Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
Susan Friedman and Alissa Mwenelupembe, 2020

The Essentials: Supporting Dual Language Learners in Diverse Environments in Preschool and Kindergarten
Iliana Alanís, María G. Arreguín, and Irasema Salinas-González, 2021

Nurturing Creativity: An Essential Mindset for Young Children’s Learning
Rebecca Isbell and Sonia Akiko Yoshizawa, 2020

Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower
Laura J. Colker, Sarah Erdman, and Elizabeth C. Winter, 2020


NAEYC titles


There are millions of full-text articles in our EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest databases. The best way to begin your search is to enter one or two keywords on your topic. Each database is different, but there will be ways to limit and focus your results so that you find the most relevant and useful articles available.


EBSCO Our EBSCO databases are an excellent place to start your search for magazine and journal articles. These databases include ERIC and Professional Development Collection, which cover early childhood education and APA PsycArticles, which covers developmental psychology.
Gale Our Gale databases are another great place to find magazine and journal articles. These databases include Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete, which covers preschool education and Gale OneFile: Psychology, which covers developmental psychology.
ProQuestSearch hundreds of U.S. newspapers, newswires, and news sites with ProQuest U.S. Newsstream.
Google Scholar Search and explore scholarly literature with Google Scholar. Some citations include links to full-text content.


Please visit the Library or e-mail if you have any questions about our online resources or if you'd like help finding articles on your topic.​


Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free and openly-licensed teaching materials. These materials are easy for educators to integrate with their existing courses and reduce costs for students.

The University of Minnesota's Open Textbook Library is an example of OER. This is a collection of nearly 800 textbooks on a wide variety of subjects, freely available online to view or download. Educators can even adapt a textbook for their own needs, whether that's removing chapters or adding their own content. For those who prefer print, professionally printed copies are available at a fraction of the cost of most textbooks.

Lumen Learning is another example of OER. These are whole courses including textbooks, assignments, quizzes, interactive practice, videos, and more. Lumen Learning courses are free, online, mobile-friendly, adaptable, modular, and easy to integrate within D2L Brightspace (including grading).

Open textbooks - child development

Here are some of the child development textbooks you'll find in the Open Textbook Library:


Child Growth and DevelopmentChild Growth and Development
Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, Dawn Rymond, and Alexa Johnson, 2019


OER course content

Child and Adolescent Psychology
This Lumen Learning Course covers child and adolescent psychology in six modules.

Child Development
This Lumen Learning Course covers child development in 14 modules.

Foundations of Education
This Lumen Learning Course outlines a 15-week education curriculum, covering Early Childhood Education and Pre-K.

Open textbooks - early childhood education

Here are some of the early childhood education textbooks you'll find in the Open Textbook Library and LibreTexts:


The ELC: An Early Childhood Learning Community at WorkThe ELC: An Early Childhood Learning Community at Work
Heather Bridge, Lorraine Melita, and Patricia Roiger, 2020


Safety, Health, and Nutrition in Early Childhood EducationSafety, Health, and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education
Jennifer Paris, 2018


Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood EducationObservation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education
Gina Peterson and Emily Elam, 2021


Introduction to Curriculum for Early Childhood EducationIntroduction to Curriculum for Early Childhood Education
Jennifer Paris, Kristin Beeve, and Clint Springer, 2019


The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood EducationThe Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Krischa Esquivel, Emily Elam, Jennifer Paris, and Maricela Tafoya, 2021