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Welcome to the DCTC Library's World History to 1500 course guide. On this page you will find helpful information about the research and writing process, including links to help you evaluate and cite your sources.

The 2nd page has information about the resources in our library and how to find them using our catalog.

The 3rd page is a gateway to the Library's best online resources and web sites for this course, including some tutorials.

Let's get started!

Evaluating information

Citing sources (MLA style)

There are different styles for citing the sources you use in your assignments, but history writing usually requires MLA (Modern Language Association) style. The Purdue Online Writing Lab has an excellent guide to using MLA style, with lots of examples:

You can also go straight to the source:

Our catalog and databases provide citations for the books, videos, and articles you find in them. Just look for a link that says Cite or Citation, then select MLA style. It's easy to copy and paste citations into your bibliography!

Avoiding plagiarism

Writing help

In the Library


Use our catalog, OneSearch, to find the books and videos on our shelves, plus ebooks and streaming videos.



The best way to begin your search is to enter one or two keywords on your topic. To narrow your results, use the Modify My Results options on the left side of the screen. You can also click on a relevant title and click on one of its subject headings to focus your search on that particular topic.

Please ask a librarian if you need help locating anything you find in our catalog.

If we don't have the book, video, or article you're looking for, you can request it via interlibrary loan (ILL) and it will come to you. It's easy! E-mail to let us know what you're looking for and we'll do the rest.

Books & videos

We have lots of books and videos about history in our collection. These are shelved in the D-F call number ranges, which are organized by geographical location, then by time period within each area. Books about Ancient Egypt are in the DT56.8-DT68.8 range and books about Ancient Greece are in the DF10-289 range. So unfortunately, there isn't a single call number range for all books about world history prior to 1500, but you can always use our catalog or ask a librarian if you need help finding anything.

Here are just a few of our books about world history before 1500:


Online Resources


There are millions of full-text articles in our EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest databases. The best way to begin your search is to enter one or two keywords on your topic. Each database is different, but there will be ways to limit and focus your results so that you find the most relevant and useful articles available.


EBSCO Our EBSCO databases are an excellent place to start your search for magazine and journal articles.
Gale Our Gale databases are another great place to find magazine and journal articles.
ProQuestSearch hundreds of U.S. newspapers, newswires, and news sites with ProQuest U.S. Newsstream.


Please visit the Library or e-mail if you have any questions about our online resources or if you'd like help finding articles on your topic.​

Britannica Academic

Britannica Academic

Britannica Academic offers reference articles from the Encyclopædia Britannica, plus videos, primary sources, biographies, and more. Britannica is an excellent resource for learning about world history.

Selected web sites

World History Encyclopedia

World History Encyclopedia is an award-winning non-profit organization offering hundreds of definitions, articles, videos, and images. Their World History Maps can aid your understanding of the geographical aspects of the subjects covered in this course.

Selected ebooks

Here are just a few of the ebooks about world history you'll find in our EBSCO eBook Collection:


DL65 VikingsVikings: A Very Short Introduction
Julian D. Richards, 2005


DS33.1 Life along the Silk RoadLife along the Silk Road, 2nd ed.
Susan Whitfield, 2015


GN285 How To Think Like a NeandertalHow To Think Like a Neandertal
Thomas Wynn, 2011