Research Guide for

HLTH 2105 Women's Health (Mutiga)


Find Articles

Health & Medicine E-book Collection
Selected ebooks on health and medicine topics from Gale.
Use the Search within Collection box on the right side to search for your topic.

Health & Wellness (Gale)
Both academic and non-academic articles on health and wellness topics.

Find Books

Global Health

- World Health Organization Women's health -
- International Women's Health Coalition -
- The United Nations - Women & Health -
- UN Women -
- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) -

Discipline Specific Databases

Medical Database and CINAHL Plus are speciality databases for the Nursing field, while PsycArticles is intended for the Psychology field. 

Medical Database (ProQuest)
Articles from health care and clinical science journals. Includes citations and abstracts from MEDLINE.

CINAHL Complete
Peer-reviewed research articles from health care journals, nursing Continuing Education (CE) modules, standards of practice, evidence-based care sheets, and some health care ebooks. The primary database for nursing research.

Articles on psychology topics from journals published by the APA (American Psychological Association).

Other Sources

Health information for patients and the general public including medical conditions, genetic conditions, drugs, and clinical trials.

Also, the Mayo Clinic website has useful medical and health information, from overviews of diseases to current research.

Developing Keywords

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Cite your Sources (MLA)

MLA Quick Guide (PDF)
See MLA citation examples for the most common types of sources (9th edition).

MLA Formatting and Style Guide (OWL at Purdue)
This website offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page. Uses MLA 9th edition.