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Juliana Boner

Cambridge Campus
Robyn Slusher

Rapids Campus 
Gina Pancerella-Willis
Juliana Boner

Help with Writing

Writing manuals are available in the library, and expert tutors in the ARCC Writing Center can help you with citations and references.

ARCC Tutoring web page: http://www.anokaramsey.edu/resources/tutoring-services/
Email: writing.tutoring@anokaramsey.edu 


Welcome to this subject guide. On this tab, you will find information and helpful links related to the research and writing process, including links to help you evaluate and cite your sources..

The second tab contains information about resources in our library and how to find them using LibrarySearch, the library catalog.

The third tab contains information about online resources, including scholarly journal databases and online credible sites for research.

Evaluating Information

We live in a world of misinformation.

On the web, it can be a challenge to know what information is credible and accurate. You may have heard about the CRAAP test (more information here), criteria to help evaluate a website. To complement this strategy, digital literacy expert Mike Caulfield developed the SIFT method, which provides additional valuable strategies for online researchers.

SIFT, or the Four Moves:
S - Stop
I - Investigate the source
F - Find additional sources/better coverage
T - Trace Information back to the original context
Online Verification Skills - YouTube videos from Mike Caulfield

Additional guides to help you evaluate your sources:
Evaluating Resources (University of California, Berkeley)
Evaluating Information (American Library Association)
Critically Analyzing Information Sources (Cornell University Library)

Avoiding Plagiarism

From the ARCC Student Conduct Code, "Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment or the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials."

Citing your sources in a bibliography is a required part of the research process. It allows others to verify your information and acknowledges the previous work of other researchers and writers.

Click here for a General Guide to Understanding Written Plagiarism 

Citation Style Guides

Looking for information about citing your sources? Different styles like APA, Chicago, and MLA will require you to format information and sources differently.

After using any of these resources, always double-check your citations against the most current published guide. Below you will find resources for the most commonly used citation styles from the style guide homepages, as well as, the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).

Here are some introductory guides to these styles from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL).

Citation Style Manuals

These books are available in both campus libraries.

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
ISBN: 9781603293518
Publication Date: 2020


MLA book coverMLA Handbook by The Modern Language Association of America
ISBN: 9781603293518
Publication Date: 2021


The Chicago Manual of Style, by University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff
ISBN: 9780226287058
Publication Date: 2017


Scientific Style and Format by Council of Science Editors
ISBN: 9780226116495
Publication Date: 2014


In the Library

Catalog - Library Search

More Options

Using Library Search

To find items in the library using the Library Search option on this page, you can begin by selecting ARCC + Online to search for books and videos on our shelves plus streaming videos, ebooks, and articles, or selecting ARCC Libraries to limit your search to physical items on our shelves.

Click in the search box and type the title of a book you want, the author's name, or a couple of keywords related to your topic. Click Search.

On our library page that opens, use the options in the menu on the left side under "Modify my results" to focus your search. Click on a title to get more information about the item, to find the location of the item, or to request it. 

If we don't have the items you need, we can request them from other libraries through InterLibrary Loan (ILL). There's no cost involved, it's easy to do, and it's convenient. The books will be sent to us, and you can check them out and return them here.

If you want help finding or requesting books, just ask! Call or email us at ARCC.Library@anokaramsey.edu. We are happy to help!


Use Library Search to find books using keywords related to your topic. 
Browse the shelves: Sections F600 - F615 are focused on Minnesota history.
Browse the Minnesota History Collection in our library catalog.

(selection of books on Minnesota history from ARCC collection)
Minnesota History is a quarterly publication of the Minnesota Historical Society.  Print issues are available in the library.

Online Resources

Scholarly Journal Articles

Articles from scholarly journals can be found in library databases, accessible both on and off campus.
Academic Search Premier
This multi-disciplinary database provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals.
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collections - contain over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. EBSCO MegaFile
Covers every area of academic study and general interest subject area and offers information dating as far back as the 1800s.
JSTOR - Archival journals and primary sources collection

Credible Resources

Guide to Minnesota historical locations
Historic Fort Snelling 
explore how the area known as Bdote by the Dakota became the site of Minnesota’s first National Historic Landmark – Historic Fort Snelling
Library of Congress Minnesota-related online content
Mapping Prejudice - visualizing the hidden histories of race and privilege in the built environment
Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) supports discovery and education through access to unique digital collections shared by cultural heritage organizations from across the state of Minnesota.
Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub - contains geographically and culturally diverse newspapers published between 1849 and today
Minnesota Historical Society - a nonprofit educational and cultural institution dedicated to preserving the history of the U.S. state of Minnesota.
MNopedia - A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.