This guide will help you find resources for your law enforcement classes. The guide is organized into the following sections:
- Find articles in recommended scholarly journals, trade journals, and popular periodicals.
Books & Videos
- Find physical and electronic books.
- Find streaming video databases.
Cite Your Sources
- Find links to help you cite your sources.
Reference sources help us gain more context about a subject before we begin our research.
Points of View (EBSCO) A full-text database designed to provide students with a series of brief essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.
Points of View (EBSCO) A full-text database designed to provide students with a series of brief essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) Provides full text articles from over 4,600 publications, covering a wide range of academic subjects.
ProQuest U.S. Newsstream U.S. news content as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s from national and regional news sources including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, Chicago Tribune and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
ProQuest U.S. Newsstream U.S. news content as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s from national and regional news sources including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, Chicago Tribune and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
This is a selection of law enforcement related electronic journals and periodicals available through the library databases.
Police Quarterly: Police Quarterly is a scholarly journal that publishes empirical studies on issues related policing.
Corrections Today: Articles on all areas of corrections, news and legislation, commentary, profiles, book reviews and research perspectives published for members of the American Correctional Association.
Criminal Justice Ethics: Articles focusing on ethical issues in criminal justice by philosophers, criminal justice professionals, lawyers and judges and the general public on topics relating to the police, courts, corrections and issues in legal philosophy.
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology: Original articles, research articles, practitioner essays, comment and reviews on all aspects of criminal law and criminology.
Police Practice & Research: Presents current & innovative police research as well as operational & administrative practices from around the world.
Police Quarterly: Police Quarterly is a scholarly journal that publishes empirical studies on issues related policing.
Corrections Today: Articles on all areas of corrections, news and legislation, commentary, profiles, book reviews and research perspectives published for members of the American Correctional Association.
Criminal Justice Ethics: Articles focusing on ethical issues in criminal justice by philosophers, criminal justice professionals, lawyers and judges and the general public on topics relating to the police, courts, corrections and issues in legal philosophy.
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology: Original articles, research articles, practitioner essays, comment and reviews on all aspects of criminal law and criminology.
Police Practice & Research: Presents current & innovative police research as well as operational & administrative practices from around the world.
FDLTCC students received full access to both New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
See instructions below for creating your free account or use the following student guides:
New York Times Student Guide
Wall Street Journal Student Guide
See instructions below for creating your free account or use the following student guides:
New York Times Student Guide
Wall Street Journal Student Guide
All current students, staff and faculty can register for a free digital campus subscription to the Wall Street Journal.
Create your free WSJ campus subscription:

- Go to the WSJ registration page:
- Choose your account type from the drop-down menu (Student, Staff, or Professor)
- Enter your first and last name and your FDLTCC email address (
- For students, enter your graduation date
- Create a password of your choice
- Check the box: "I agree to the Privacy Policy, Subscriber Agreement, Cookie Policy"
- Click the blue CREATE button
After you register, immediately login to the Wall Street Journal at to verify your email address (it may take a few minutes to receive the verification email).
Once you verify your email address you will have full access to the website and you can download the WSJ mobile app.
Student accounts remain active until graduation.
Faculty and staff will need to validate their subscriptions once per year.
All current students, staff and faculty can register for a free digital campus subscription to the New York Times.
Create your free NYT campus subscription:
***If you have previously created a personal account, we recommend logging out of your account on the NYT webpage or clearing your browser's cache/cookies before activating your campus subscription.
- Go to the NYT registration page: (if creating your account off campus, you will be prompted to sign in through the ezproxy using your Star ID and password).
- Click the blue Create Your Account button, enter your campus email address, then click Continue
- Enter a password of your choice, then click Create My Account.
- You should get a confirmation page with a blue Go to NY Times button. Click the button to access the NYT site. (If the button does not reroute you to the full site, go to and click the login link on the upper right hand side of the page.
You should now have full access to the NYT page and access to download the NYT mobile app.
Primo OneSearch
Use the library catalog to search for physical books, eBooks, articles, media and more.
Need a source not in the FDLTCC collection? place a resource sharing request
Need a source not in the FDLTCC collection? place a resource sharing request

Films On Demand: Master Academic Package An online video streaming database of educational videos including A&E, PBS, BBC, National Geographic, HBO Documentary Films and more. This collection contains over 40,000 titles across many disciplines including health & medicine, humanities & social sciences, science & mathematics, and business & economics.
Kanopy An on-demand streaming video service providing access to feature length films, documentaries and education videos across a wide range of subjects.
Kanopy An on-demand streaming video service providing access to feature length films, documentaries and education videos across a wide range of subjects.

Narrative Criminology: Understanding Stories of Crime

Community Conscious Policing: A Guide for People's Justice and Law Enforcement Solutions

Tangled Up in Blue: Policing the American City

Predict and Surveil: Data, Discretion, and the Future of Policing

Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement: A Guide for Officers and Their Families Revised Edition 2021

The Personal Side of Policing: An in-depth look at how a career in law enforcement can change and affect your life.

Criminal Justice: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
The library catalog and most of the library databases have built in tools to help you format citations for your works cited/reference page.
After finding an article, look for a "Cite" icon. Choose the whichever you are using (APA, MLA, etc.), then, copy and past the citation into your document. Always double check the format in case there are errors.
After finding an article, look for a "Cite" icon. Choose the whichever you are using (APA, MLA, etc.), then, copy and past the citation into your document. Always double check the format in case there are errors.